





老年人“食养” 重在三大营养素
Elderly people's "food and nutrition" focus on the three major nutrients
As people age, their muscle count and function, as well as their chewing and swallowing functions, all decline, leading to a decrease in digestive ability. In addition, unscientific dietary habits increase the risk of malnutrition in the elderly. The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds that the "Dietary Guidelines for the Elderly" has been added to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2022", which includes dietary guidelines for the general elderly aged 65 to 79 and the elderly aged 80 and above. Elderly people should pay attention to consuming nutritious and balanced foods, which can help improve their nutritional status, maintain physical health, and improve their quality of life. Elderly people can improve their diet by improving the three major nutrients.
Cereals, potatoes, and miscellaneous beans are the main sources of carbohydrates. While controlling energy intake, elderly people also need to pay attention to the diversification of food. Food should be mixed in thickness, and in addition to refined rice and noodles, an appropriate amount of coarse grain potato foods such as oats, buckwheat, corn, sweet potatoes, yams, etc. should be added.
有研究显示,人体从40岁开始,骨骼肌肌肉质量会以每10年减少8%的速度流失,且这种流失速度会随着年龄增加不断加剧。与青壮年比较,老年人蛋白质的需要量不仅在量的方面不能减少,在质的方面也应该增加更多的*蛋白。因此,每天适 量摄入鱼、虾、蛋、瘦肉、牛奶等富含蛋白质的动物性食物,对减缓肌肉流失尤为重要。《中国居民膳食指南2022》建议蛋白质的摄入量为1.0-1.5g/(kg·d),其中动物性食物和豆制品中蛋白质需占一半以上。但肉类的脂肪以饱和脂肪酸居多,不宜过量食用。
Research has shown that starting at the age of 40, skeletal muscle mass in the human body decreases by 8% every 10 years, and this rate of loss continues to intensify with age. Compared with Young adult, the protein requirements of the elderly should not be reduced in quantity, but also increased in quality. Therefore, it is particularly important to consume protein rich animal foods such as fish, shrimp, eggs, lean meat, and milk in moderation every day to slow down muscle loss. The 2022 Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend a protein intake of 1.0-1.5g/(kg · d), with animal based foods and soy products requiring more than half of the protein intake. However, most of the meat fat is Saturated fat, which should not be consumed excessively.


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